Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Isn't that ironic?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Long Overdue Tag
What were you doing 5 years ago?
Back in 2004, I was working with one of Sabah's leading private college then in 2006 I left this college to join current organisation. Oh! did I tell you that this was the year we started courting each other? Oh, no let me rephrased that, this was the year he started courting me...hahaha...that's more like it :D
- To bank in some cash to my ASW2020 - DONE
- To draft 3 short articles for office bulletin - Still proscatinating
- To complete watching Entourage Season 3 Part 1 - So looking forward to watch this tonight. Huhu!
- To finish reading "Shopaholic -Ties The Knot" - Will do this before I go to sleep to night
- To choose what I want to wear for our organisation's Annual Dinner tomorrow - I'm stuck here, I don't know what to wear. Sigh.
Now I'm suppose to tag to others right? Well, anyone reading...feel free to do this tag :-)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Twilight Saga : New Moon
I've been busy I think since forever, ever since Raya Puasa I've been working non-stop till I forgot when was the last time I had weekends! Anyway, now that I'm on a mini break, baru boleh tarik nafas lega. So what happened was, I think one week ago I finally get the chance to watch Twilight at HBO. Now don't laugh, I know I am so ketinggalan! Nah, sekali tengok I'm hooked. No wonderlah I've been hearing the buzz about this Edward Cullen since last year. Now I know why! I never thought Vampires can be so cool!Haha
So last night we went to watch The Twilight: New Moon. Frankly speaking, I find that Twilight was much better than The New Moon, I don't know why I just feel something is missing here in this sequel, maybe it's because of different director? Or perhaps I should read the book? Another thing, I hope for the following sequel, Dakota Fanning's role will expanded...she's such a talented young girl!
Anyway, for those who hasn't watch this, it's still worth watching :-)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Diamonds are forever
The first thing that popped up on my mind was, my hubby is going to kill me! Di tambah lagi dengan my sister said, maybe it's a bad sign? oh no! I terus freak out! Tambah serabutlah my head masa tu. Initially, I was so worried of what will my hubby's reaction when I tell him this piece of bad news. Dalam hati, habislah I'm deadmeat after all the money that he spent on this wedding ring? I even had the thought of going back to TOMEI and buy a new diamond with the same design and just replace it. My hubby wouldn't know, would he?
Despite cover-up plan that I have in mind, at that particular point of time, deep inside me, it feels like a big stab to my heart when I saw that big whole in the middle because this ring means a lot to me. It's my wedding ring and the sentimental value that comes with this ring is totally in describable. For a moment I felt lost. I never thought that when the diamond slipped, only then it makes me realized how much this ring means to me.
Come to think of it, sometimes we tend to take things for granted. Only when we lost it or it's gone, barulah kecarian, barulah appreciate, barulah tersedar. Sometimes it's just too late but if you are lucky you may get the chance to make amends or show that this thing/person means something to you. In my case, I was lucky because that diamond slipped inside my handbag. Thank God! Alhamdullilah. Next time , I might not be this lucky.
Later that evening, I did tell my hubby the truth. Lucky me again, he wasn't angry or mad at me but I am not suprised, knowing he is very calm and collected (well, he is totally opposite of me!maybe that's why we are together :-D). In fact he was cool about it. Tapi part yang paling I suka dengar was, when he said "Maybe this ring need another ring to kasih kawan dia" Hehehe...this part, me likey!
Moral of the story, don't take things for granted and for now don't buy any jewellery from TOMEI until I get a good explanation how could this happened. After all, when you spent thousands, off course you expect high quality workmanship.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
I'm sorry
It all started with a phone call from a dear friend, he was informing me that my big boss wanted me to assist him for one dinner event. I remembered I was upset when he said that he knows that I don't work during weekend and it was my boss who asked me to work for that particular dinner not him. I terus jadi emo masa tu. What upset me more was, I was already planning to assist him because I knew he needed any extra help he could get. In fact I already rescheduled my Saturday night appointment so I can help him with the event.
Along the way, I don't know what happened, we ended yelling at each other. The next thing I know, he hung up the phone just like that. Imagine my temper at that time, off course berderau jugalah darahkan!
After my temper subsided, I made the three attempts to call him back because I just want to settle all this mess or whatever you may call it. My phone calls were ignored. Maybe he was still pissed, ok fine. Finally, when I managed to talk to him, I told him "I'm sorry" and I really meant it. At that time, I was already calm so I explained to him gently what was my intention (niat sebenar - nawaitu) in the first place. After that, he told his side of the story, now I know why he was pissed earlier. I should have listened instead of just hearing. Well, temper flares in any upcoming event, right?
What amazes me was even though it's so difficult for me to say the phrase "I'm sorry" because I feel that I didn't do anything wrong but I did it and you know what? I am relieved that I made the first move to say "I'm sorry". The reason was simple, I just don't want to fight and I don't want to let all these negative vibes get into me.
You know what? most importantly, I said I am sorry because he is a dear friend of mine. I treasure our friendship. If he is reading this (which I doubt so), I hope he knows how I value our friendship. Kalau orang lain jangan haraplah I would make the first step! I bet those who knows me very well must be suprised with this entry knowing that I can be quiet self-centered.
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong. To me what matter most is, who take the first step to make things better, right peeps?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Imitation is the best form of flattery
I love perfumes and I collect perfumes. I think those who are close to me know this. My love for perfume goes to the extent that I have specific perfumes for certain occasions. For instance, during office hours I use perfume that is light and pleasant but for special occasions I use strong and intense perfume. If I go for outdoor activities I go for something fresh. Then I have perfume that I reserve for that special dinner. But I have a problem here. Whenever, I found out somebody is using the same perfume as mine, I change to another perfume. I don't want to use the same perfume anymore. Then again, off course along the line my perfume selection clashes with others right? It can't be helped. Ok fine.
So, recently (not quite recent) some friends of mine commented that they like my perfume. Off course I'm flattered. The next thing I know, they bought the same perfume. Ok fine, I said to myself. I can get a new perfume. This time around I chose something that is totally different. Something that I've wanted for so long. I bought it. I used it on special occasions. I really like this particular perfume. Even my family told me that this is me. I love this perfumes and I know nobody close to me use this particular perfume. I'm contented. I found my perfume. I found my scent.
I thought it's gonna be fairy tale ending for me (yes, by now you can call me perfume fanatic, it's fine by me :-)). For all I know, I found out that someone that I know just bought the same perfume. What a coincidence. Just when I was about to claimed this as MY PERFUME somebody else is using it too! I freak out! How could that be? It's been two days and I can't stop thinking about it. I talked about it to my hubby, my bff and my sister. I was heartbroken (nah, correction I am still heartbroken). How could this happen to me? I know, I'm being overly dramatic here but I can't help it. Oh! maybe you won't understand, it's okay. I just need to blog about this in hoping that it will cool me down. Crazy isn't it?
My bff told me that this time around when I found another perfume that I like, make sure I don't tell a single soul what I'm wearing. Keep them guessing. My sole consolation was, when my sister jokingly told me "Imitation is the best form of flattery". I'll take that as a compliment :-)
Now, I just have to find another new perfume. Wish me luck!
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Ugly Truth

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
This conversation took place...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
What a bummer!
To cut the story short, I went there and join the long queue. Upon my turn, I click the account number, then the cash deposit display - PERKASA HOTEL. Confirmed account number, so I bank in RM120. Transaction successful. I waited for my receipt. Suddenly, the cash deposit machine ran out of paper. So no receipt we printed. At that point, I still remained cool. I called the hotel, I told them what happened. They assured me that should be no problem, they will check with the accounts department but I have to wait until the office opens today.
Just went I thought everything will be ok, then I received a phone call from the hotel. They told me their account statement did not show any deposit RM120 made from CIMBank, Jalan Sagunting at 10:30pm, 29th August 2009. So that means, I have to go to CIMBank, Jalan Sagunting and ask the bank where did my money go? Where at the same time I didn't have any receipt with me to proof that I've deposited the cash.
It's ok, tommorow I will go there and ask the bank nicely and gently. I just want to know where did the money go? Don't tell me I have to deposit another RM120 to the hotel?
Fyi, before I bank in my payment there was no warning on the screen stating that the machine was out of paper thus unable to print out payment receipt. Should the machine displayed the warning, I wouldn't stupidly bank in cash. What a bummer!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Happy birthday Rina dear :-)
A friend is a Treasure - Renee Duvall
A Friend is a Treasure
A friend is someone we turn to,
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy and grace.
And make the world we live in,
a better and happier place.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
All in the name of love
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Happy 1st wedding anniversary babe!

Today also is the first day of Ramadhan, Selamat Berpuasa...you it's only 12.45pm and I am all dressed up looking forward to go to Pasar Ramadhan :-)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Minor setback
Anyway, being in this line of work, I'm prepared to kena tukul and bambu, so I faced the music this morning. Being me, it 's not easy to just keep quiet when someone scolded you even though you know you were on the right side. No point arguing, when someone was so angry over petty matters like this (well, at least to me). I just kept my cool and remain calm. Deep down, God knows. I felt down, because I know I did the right thing. But not to worry, I'll bounce back, after all this is just minor setback.
I find it's unfair but the again, siapa juga si Farrah tu, kan??? It's just a job, it's not everything. There more to life than just work. I bet, some hypocrites in the office were already celebrating knowing the fact that Farrah just got screwed by someone "BIG" up there. For all you know, it'll be hot topics at the canteen. The next thing you know, cerita-cerita tu ditambah garam and gula untuk kasih sedap rasa but that's the least of my concern. That is beyond my control. At least I get free publicity, famous for the wrong reasons; macam Paris Hilton pulak!
To my BFF, thank you for being there, thank you for standing next to me, I really appreciate it...hey, you know who you are:-))
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Charlie's Angels
Farrah (English): Beautiful, Delightful, Joyful, Happiness and Ironsmith
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
My worst nightmare has just begun
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I'll be counting sheeps...
I've been away from office for the past one week, so tomorrow is my first day back to office. Well actually, since now it's already past midnite, then in 8 hours time I'll be in the office. I don't know why, I feel nervous going back to the office, maybe it's because it's my first long break since last March. I think I berdebar-debar since last Friday lagi...I hope everything will be ok. Jangan kena H1N1 sudahlah! Because one of the symptom is berdebar-debar....adeh!adeh!
In one week, a lot of things can happened...lagi-lagi I heard that the witch from culcutta is going to be our big boss, effective this Aug. Oh! I think my worst nightmare has just begun...
I can't sleep... to be honest, I am so not looking forward to office...and now I am having difficulties sleeping...bengkali lepas ni I'll be counting sheeps. I hope it works. Don't ask me to read , because I am not in the mood for reading. Big sigh. My only consolation is, I get to see my bff tomorrow. I bet, mesti banyak gossip ni!
XOXOXO, Gossip Girls!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
For a change...
P/s : It's past 1 am and I still can't sleep, maybe the Cafe Latte that I had at Coffee Bean was too strong for me...I know I have to do some write up for office but I am so not in the mood...I should put procrastinating in my dictionary now. Like the say, old habit dies hard! haha!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tuhan lebih sayangkan Yen (30 Julai 1977 - 17 Julai 2009)
If only I get to see her before she left. If only...
I pray that her family diberikan kekuatan untuk menghadapi ujian dari Allah S.W.T. Amin.
Al-Fatihah. Semoga rohnya dirahmati Allah S.W.T. Amin.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Have you ever...?
Teruskanlah - Agnes Monica
Pernahkah kau bicara tapi tak didengar
Tak dianggap sama sekali
Pernahkah kau tak salah tapi disalahkan
Tak diberi kesempatan
Kuhidup dengan siapa ku tak tahu kau siapa
Kau kekasih ku tapi orang lain bagiku
Kau dengan dirimu saja kau dengan duniamu saja
teruskanlah teruskanlah kau begitu
Kau tak butuh diriku aku patung bagimu
Cinta bukan kebutuhanmu
back to reff
Kau dengan dirimu saja kau dengan duniamu saja
Teruskanlah teruskanlah kau begitu...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
He has gone to another world

29 August 1958 - 25 June 2009
I couldn't believe that Michael Jackson has left us until I watched his Memorial Service on Astro.
Reality finally sink in, that he is gone forever.
There was only one Michael Jackson and he has left us.
There we lost another amazing talent.
I wonder, what is his soul are doing right now? Moonwalking?
Perhaps, for the first time he can walk freely and finally he is allowed to be left alone;
no more papparazi chasing a scope out of his life.
I hope he finds peace in his new world.
May his soul rest in peace. Amin.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
He's a hottie!

So ladies, sepa yang belum tengok Transformers...go go go watch! Cuma satu jak pesanan I, ada spoiler sikit...sebab ramai parents bawa their kids so tahan-tahan jaklah kalau tiba-tiba sampai scene bagus tiba-tiba ada baby merengek non-stop. That's what happened to us last night. Aiyayah!
Apparently, babies macam tau-tau jak tu scene bagus. Mau jak I marah, but then again maybe teda orang jaga babynya dirumahkan? Iyalah parents pun mo tengok wayang juga. Who knows in the future I pulak bawa my newborn baby p tengok wayang?:-)
Friday, July 3, 2009
I felt so alone

After quite sometimes working, to be exact, the last time I took leave was in March! I finally managed to take three (3) days off. Those three days were fantastic! I had a great time recuperating (well, at least in my context) at home doing nothing and catching up with friends that I've abandoned for quite sometimes. Sorry mate, I've been extremely busy.
So today, I am back in the office with lots of recharged energy and full of positive anticipations. Instead, I felt strange today, for the first time I felt so alone despite the office is full with people. I can hear them sharing light moments and gossiping here and there after all it's Friday already. Nobody has the mood to work...everybody was already looking forward to weekend. And yet I felt so alone. My mind keeps wondering how do you know who's your friend? Can you say your officemate is your friend? Or they just have to get along with you because you work together?
At least for me, since we are colleagues, we have to put our differences aside and get things done, right? We are professionals at work. Even if you don't like this particular person, you still have to work together right? At the end of the day, even if you work together doesn't mean you have to friends but at least being civil to each other won't hurt.
Some people define colleagues as their friends. But to me, to be a friend it takes more than that. A true friend is someone you trust. A true friend hear you out. A true friend will be there for you. A true friend stands together with you, although they know sometimes you are not right . True friends protect each other. The list goes on, my question is, can you find a friend in your office? I FIND IT DIFFICULT. Maybe because it's hard for me to open up and trust people, that's just me.
Sometime I feel that the office are full of hypocrites. They say nice things in front of you but it's different story altogether when you are not around. Given choice, I would rather deal outright hostility rather than deal with sugar coated lies. Call me harsh, but you just know when you spotted a faker! It's all written on their face and body language never lies!
Then again, why should I make my mind miserable over things that are beyond my control? They are the one with problems, not me. I keep on telling myself that I must be true to myself because I am who I am. Then again, it's those things in life that you have no control over to begin with, that tends to annoy, tends to irritate the hell out of you! Still, I have to deal with them. I just hope over time things change for the better. Hmmm....nope, some people are just born bad genes. Opps! There I go again...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I'm still here
On another note, macamlah others wonder what happened to me?
Hehehe...perasan pulak yours truly, as if she's celebrity blogger! Haha...will update my blog soon:-)
Have a beautiful day! Cheers!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
My daddy, my hero
You see, if I told my friends that my parents are very open and understanding, they wouldn't understand...some would just roll their eyes and you can see the shock written all over on their face! Haha...when I said they being open, I mean very open ok? Let's not go further, those friends who knows my parents...I can imagine them nodding their heads when they read this entry.Haha!
I can list 1001 reasons on why my dad is my hero. I look up on him. I seek advise from him. I listen to what he got to say and knowing my stubbornest...the moment my dad slow talk to me terus I follow everything that he said. Off course, he spent a lot on me...hehehe, you know raising a daughter like me can be very expensive investment! And, I have yet to show positive return invesment! Haha...
A friend once told me that, once you are married you no longer need to ask permission from you father instead it's your hubby that you need to get clearance. I beg to differ, even now that I am married, I still think my dad's words are important, I can't help it. He's my hero, nobody can't beat that. After all that he's done to me, he raised me up to become what I am today. Thankfully, I turn out to be fine (wink-wink) . I am so proud to be have a father like him. Up to today, he's always there for me. Looking back...I still remember...
When I had my first accident in Tawau back in 1995. I called him. He was the one who settled everything for me,
When I had a miserable time with my ex-boss in KL back in 2002. I turned to him. It was him who gave me a new perspective,
When I went for my interview for my current post, It was him who coached me,
When my car insurance expired, change my tyre botak, fixed my car, paid my car installments. He covered everything for me eventhough I was already earning my own income!
When I go for my mini get away or vacations, he sponsored my trip and off course bagi duit lagi! Itu sudah kerja tu! Betul-betul spoilt!
You will be suprised, I can be very sensitive and emotional when it comes to my dad. In fact bergenang sudah mataku thinking about my dad, I can feel my teardrops falling while I'm typing this entry. I can't imagine if he's not around anymore. I don't know what will I do without him. I just hope that, Allah s.w.t panjangkan umur my dad so that I will be able to give back what he has given to me all these years, well at least some part of it. I hope when have enough rezeki, then I can send him to perform his Haj. Amin. Insya'Allah.
Yes, I am now someone's wifey but I am always my dad's daughter. I love you dad, very very much!Muahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Instead of getting a pat in the back, you get screwed!
Then again, why should I be pissed, after all she is mentally handicapped (dulu, kini dan selamanya - credit UMNO baru)!
Deep down, I feel underappreciated and miserable. Fullstop. There must be a way to deal with this old mother f**ker.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Toy soldiers
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Captured by Christian Bautista featuring Sitti
Carried away with every word you said
It's a mystery how you got to me
I fell in the spell of your charms
With your siren's smile you caught me off guard
Just one glance took away my breath
Then you drew me in with your tenderness
You captivate my soul, I'm enraptured
You knocked me out you locked me up
Stole my heart like a thief at love
Keep me here in your happy ever after
I'm captured
By the way just in case you care
I'm here to stay, I'm not going anywhere
I took a dive in your deep dark eyes
And I'm never comin' up for air
I lost myself in this bond that we share
One sweet kiss took away my breath
Then you drew me in with your tenderness
You captivate my soul, I'm enraptured
You knocked me out you locked up
Stole my heart like a thief at love
Hold me tight in your happy ever after
Now you've got the best of me
No one else could hold the key
I'm captured
Just one touch took away my breath
When you drew me in I could not resist
You captivate my soul, I'm enraptured
You knocked me out you locked me up
Stole my heart like a thief at love
Keep me here in your happy ever after
I'm captured...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's love lasts a lifetime
Imagine during our drive there, which was quite a journey...each one of us were already planning our menu of what we want to eat...finally, after we reach there, we were shocked because the place was full with peoples; sampaikan kapten yang tukang ambil order pun terlari-lari, ikan dalam aquarium pun terlompat-lompat; mungkin ikan-ikan, ketam-ketam, lobster-lobster terkejut tengok ramai orang. I think kan ada ikan tu macam ngak rela dimakan kali!hahaha! Anyway, kami turun juga thinking that, it's not that bad. My parents when to get table while Ozzy and I waited for our turn to order near the ikan-ikan, ketam-ketam, lobster-lobster yang melompat-lompat. So, at that time I macam malaslah ramai betul orang, sure makan tak sedap because chef kelam-kabut and mesti order lambat sampai.
Still, I waited for the captain to take my order. Sekali u know what happened? Since they don't have enough staff, so after captain took order, the captain herself will get all items e.g ikan, ketam, udang and stuff then put it in a basin then send it to kitchen. So, while she was trying to sauk this ikan, dapatlah sekali bila angkat, ikan tu melompat then jatuh di simen. So, you know what happened next? Captain tu tendang jak ikan tu macam main futsal masuk balik dalam besen dia. Adudui...ikan tu mesti mati tak rela! So, that's it, I told my parents that we better go somewhere else because the place is to packed and most importantly, I dont my ikan nanti kena tendang-tendang macam bola futsal! Adeh, sakit perut nanti!So we went everywhere and all restaurants were packed with families, dasyat sungguh mother's day celebration ni!
I think that saturday night tu semua restaurant macam kena serang families! Last-last we settled down at Wagamama 1B. I know it's not up to mum's liking but, since semua restoran kena serang so I think this was the best place available. Anyway, 7 lawan 1 off course kena ikut majority kan? All in the name of demogracy. No worries, I will still bring the whole family for seafood dinner but tunggulah...kalau mo pigi pun biarlah time low season, baru nyaman makan, baru boleh sampai menjilat jari...
Today, Ozzy and I went for breakfast with my parents in law. Inilah, sekarang ada dua family so both side mesti jaga; both are equally important. After breakfast of shall I call it brunch, we went window shopping at Warisan Square...masa tu juga I see people everywhere, ada yang bawa kek, ada yang bawa popo@nenek jalan-jalan...sekali lagi, memang dahsyat mother's day ni!hehehe...
So, that's my adventure this weekend. I think I had a full but meaningful weekend. I am thankful that I am still here to celebrate mother's day with my mum and mother in law. God knows how can I live without her for she has always been there for me, she's always stand by me whenever I needed her. You see, with my mum, I can talk to her about anything and everything and no censorship at all because she is so open and understanding. I am so lucky that I have a mum like her. I love you mummy! Thanks for always there for me!Muaahhhhh!
As for my mother in law, dia memang cool! Sangat open and very caring too! love you too mum!
Oh, lagi to all my mummy bloggers:
1. Rina - You are a great mum! your family is so lucky to have you:-)
2. Ina - Ini fashionista mama! you rock! Teruskan bershopping:-)
3. As - Sentiasa maintain jak....cool! Bila mo tambah askar?
4. Ju - Congrat's, I hope you have a safte pregnancy...
Did I missed anybody? Alas, Happy Mother's Day!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Serene Beauty
These photos were taken from my room at Mount Kinabalu Heritage and Spa Resort, Kundasang. I just love the view from my room, it's so serene. You see, this is one of the main reasons why I like to go out from the office once in a while. When I go away, it's like a breather for me, it gives room for me to be just by myself. I mean, after I am done with my work, I love staying in my room doing nothing while I listen to soothing music or catching up with my reading and off course along the way I puff-puff
I'm still here
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Marley & Me

No, I'm not going to give the spoiler here, because I want you to watch it yourself. It's a good movie because I learnt something there and I think others will too! "A true friend is someone who stood by you through thick and thin; simple fact but very few friends can do that". Grogan found that with Marley. I cried, it's just heart breaking.
Ps. Actually, the main reason I wanted to watch this movie is because I am a huge fan of Jennifer Anniston...sekali, memang syiok pun cerita dia. I am thinking of getting the book, it's based on true story, you know? Oh! Btw, I couldn't believe Jennifer Anniston is actually 40 years old!Checkout her hot bod! Look at her biceps!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Popular questions...
All these five questions I can ignore or buat muka bodoh jer until one somebody said this to me,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
If only...