Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy birthday Rina dear :-)

Rina dear, thank you for all these years...thank you for being my friend for the past 18 year and counting. I wish you all the best things in life and more :-) Love you! So here goes...

A friend is a Treasure - Renee Duvall

A Friend is a Treasure
A friend is someone we turn to,
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy and grace.
And make the world we live in,
a better and happier place.

P/s : I wanted to put our photos masa muda-muda dulu tapi belum scan lagi...dulu-dulu mana ada digital camera. So stay tune peeps!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

All in the name of love

A close friend of mine told me that, he/she will fight all the way just to keep their relationship going eventhough at the expend of making the fool out of themselves. They don't care, just to prove their unconditional love. They even said that, they will not give-up eventhough their instinct is telling them that it's not going to work out, anyway.
This makes me wonder, the things that we do all in the name of it worth it? I'm not saying they are fools in love, does the other person appreciates all the crazy things that they did for them? If the woman/man failed to see how my friends fight all the way just to show they care, then I think it's their lost.
Right now, I just hope and pray that the woman/man that my friends are fighting for is worth it after all. I hope this woman/man knows how much they means to my friends. If this woman/man sincerely love my friends, then they better stop hurting my friends.
I just cannot bear it when I see someone dear to me gets hurt over and over again. It breaks my heart.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy 1st wedding anniversary babe!

Picture credit to Jeffrey Wong (

Some said, the first year of marriage is the hardest, well babe you've survived the first year! So here I am wishing both of you a wonderful journey together as hubby and wifey. Amin. Love you both! Muahhh!

Today also is the first day of Ramadhan
, Selamat it's only 12.45pm and I am all dressed up looking forward to go to Pasar Ramadhan :-)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Minor setback

Any official functions we have to adhere to the standard protocol as per standard practise depending on your organisations' protocol. Different functions require different set of protocols. That was part of my job - that is to make sure the right VIPs seat at the right seating. Little did I know, what I thought was the standard protocol was not seen as the right thing to do according to this particular so-called VIP. I was merely doing my job. If I had known that the seat that I offered her would have offended her social ranking and status, I would definitely find ways to rectify the whole thing. But then again, if I do that then, this will set a precedent for future functions.

Anyway, being in this line of work, I'm prepared to kena tukul and bambu, so I faced the music this morning. Being me, it 's not easy to just keep quiet when someone scolded you even though you know you were on the right side. No point arguing, when someone was so angry over petty matters like this (well, at least to me). I just kept my cool and remain calm. Deep down, God knows. I felt down, because I know I did the right thing. But not to worry, I'll bounce back, after all this is just minor setback.

I find it's unfair but the again, siapa juga si Farrah tu, kan??? It's just a job, it's not everything. There more to life than just work. I bet, some hypocrites in the office were already celebrating knowing the fact that Farrah just got screwed by someone "BIG" up there. For all you know, it'll be hot topics at the canteen. The next thing you know, cerita-cerita tu ditambah garam and gula untuk kasih sedap rasa but that's the least of my concern. That is beyond my control. At least I get free publicity, famous for the wrong reasons; macam Paris Hilton pulak!

To my BFF, thank you for being there, thank you for standing next to me, I really appreciate it...hey, you know who you are:-))

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Charlie's Angels

Standing from left to right: Farrah, Farrah and Farrah

Farrah (English): Beautiful, Delightful, Joyful, Happiness and Ironsmith

Finally after working for current organization for the past three years, I was sent to attend a course on Event Management. Pheww! what a reward. Thank you, boss. The course was interesting and it has provided me with in-depth knowledge on event management skills which are totally relevant to my current work. Not only that, I get to meet the people in the industry of event management.; such a cool and happening group of peoples! I had a great time, sampai ngak mau balik office, hahahaha! Anyway, the highlight of this course was, for the first time three Farrah's in one room, can u imagine? How often do you get this chance right? Yes, Farrah is such a common name; Fara, Farrah, Farah...but these three girls shared the same Farrah's name, bah! Apalagi, I've got to blog about this.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My worst nightmare has just begun

What more can I say? Please wake me up when this is over...sigh...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'll be counting sheeps...

Photo credit: dkle [urf]

I've been away from office for the past one week, so tomorrow is my first day back to office. Well actually, since now it's already past midnite, then in 8 hours time I'll be in the office. I don't know why, I feel nervous going back to the office, maybe it's because it's my first long break since last March. I think I berdebar-debar since last Friday lagi...I hope everything will be ok. Jangan kena H1N1 sudahlah! Because one of the symptom is berdebar-debar....adeh!adeh!

In one week, a lot of things can happened...lagi-lagi I heard that the witch from culcutta is going to be our big boss, effective this Aug. Oh! I think my worst nightmare has just begun...

I can't sleep... to be honest, I am so not looking forward to office...and now I am having difficulties sleeping...bengkali lepas ni I'll be counting sheeps. I hope it works. Don't ask me to read , because I am not in the mood for reading. Big sigh. My only consolation is, I get to see my bff tomorrow. I bet, mesti banyak gossip ni!

XOXOXO, Gossip Girls!