From now on, I make a point to work efficiently so that means I must be punctual, clock in and clock out on time. So far so good. After all arguing with a fool proves there a two - Doris M. Smith. Hahaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Anyway, bila sampai rumah awal off course the first thing I do is, tengok tvlah. Normally my favourite channel is 712 tapi out of nowhere I terclick TV3 pulak this evening.
Terus I tertengok "Kasanova XXL". It's about Ozi Halim a smart guy but gendut. His hobby is chatting, tapi because he is shy that he is gendut, he uses his brother's photo as his profile photo and guess what? Because he is such a charmer, smooth talker...adalah beberapa girls yang minat Ozi...hehee..., the story line is simple actually tapi very the lucu, I think sebab utama the lead actor Ozi Halim is a good actor and off course other cast (Rusdi Ramli, Nanu, Nadia Mustapha and Emelda Rosmila) also makes it even better. What's more funnier, Ozi bukan naturally gendut, dia pakai padding jak to make him look gendut. Tengok cara dia jalan pun lucu!Hahaaa...
Right after the show sebab yours truly super excited, I google about this show because I wanted to know who is Ozi? Then I found out that this 13 episodes of "Kasanova XXL" is directed by Suhaimi Baba, alah you know the famous director of "Pontianak" and the scriptwriter pulak the same duo who did "Pontianak" script. So kira this is their first attempt into romantic comedy genre. To which I think a good attempt!
Then I found out the actor behind Ozi is Shaheizy Sam. No wonderlah lately the entertainment industry is buzzing about him. He is a talented actor! Now that I know it's him, I might consider watching "Adnan Sempit"? Provided I can drag my hubby to watch this movie. I heard the movie meletup-letup dipanggung.
I am so looking forward to the next episodes. So peeps, if you need a feel good time out, "Kasanova XXL" is worth watching.
Good nite peeps, sweet dreams!xoxo
Anyway, bila sampai rumah awal off course the first thing I do is, tengok tvlah. Normally my favourite channel is 712 tapi out of nowhere I terclick TV3 pulak this evening.
Terus I tertengok "Kasanova XXL". It's about Ozi Halim a smart guy but gendut. His hobby is chatting, tapi because he is shy that he is gendut, he uses his brother's photo as his profile photo and guess what? Because he is such a charmer, smooth talker...adalah beberapa girls yang minat Ozi...hehee..., the story line is simple actually tapi very the lucu, I think sebab utama the lead actor Ozi Halim is a good actor and off course other cast (Rusdi Ramli, Nanu, Nadia Mustapha and Emelda Rosmila) also makes it even better. What's more funnier, Ozi bukan naturally gendut, dia pakai padding jak to make him look gendut. Tengok cara dia jalan pun lucu!Hahaaa...
Right after the show sebab yours truly super excited, I google about this show because I wanted to know who is Ozi? Then I found out that this 13 episodes of "Kasanova XXL" is directed by Suhaimi Baba, alah you know the famous director of "Pontianak" and the scriptwriter pulak the same duo who did "Pontianak" script. So kira this is their first attempt into romantic comedy genre. To which I think a good attempt!
Then I found out the actor behind Ozi is Shaheizy Sam. No wonderlah lately the entertainment industry is buzzing about him. He is a talented actor! Now that I know it's him, I might consider watching "Adnan Sempit"? Provided I can drag my hubby to watch this movie. I heard the movie meletup-letup dipanggung.
I am so looking forward to the next episodes. So peeps, if you need a feel good time out, "Kasanova XXL" is worth watching.
Good nite peeps, sweet dreams!xoxo
P/s: Ozi kinda reminded me of a close friend of mine, who is cheeky as well!
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