Sunday, January 31, 2010

Adnan Sempit

Managed to drag hubby and bro to watch this movie and we enjoyed every minute of it! It's very light, entertaining, lucu and at the same time ada juga moral message behind it. Casting was good, except, the lead actress - Intan Lydana, I wish MIG had chosen a better actress. Then again, it's just my opinion, I might be wrong. ...Jangan pula lepas ni kena sue...hahahaha...Apa-apapun, yang penting, Shaheizy Sam@Adnan Sempit - he's a talent to watch out for!

Ngak mau cakap banyaklah...go watch it while it's still showing at the cinema. I give 4 stars for this movie! :-D

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Time out from the madness

Shaheizy Sam as Ozi Halim

Isn't he a cutie?hihi...

From now on, I make a point to work efficiently so that means I must be punctual, clock in and clock out on time. So far so good. After all arguing with a fool proves there a two - Doris M. Smith. Hahaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Anyway, bila sampai rumah awal off course the first thing I do is, tengok tvlah. Normally my favourite channel is 712 tapi out of nowhere I terclick TV3 pulak this evening.

Terus I tertengok "Kasanova XXL". It's about Ozi Halim a smart guy but gendut. His hobby is chatting, tapi because he is shy that he is gendut, he uses his brother's photo as his profile photo and guess what? Because he is such a charmer, smooth talker...adalah beberapa girls yang minat Ozi...hehee..., the story line is simple actually tapi very the lucu, I think sebab utama the lead actor Ozi Halim is a good actor and off course other cast (Rusdi Ramli, Nanu, Nadia Mustapha and Emelda Rosmila) also makes it even better. What's more funnier, Ozi bukan naturally gendut, dia pakai padding jak to make him look gendut. Tengok cara dia jalan pun lucu!Hahaaa...

Right after the show sebab yours truly super excited, I google about this show because I wanted to know who is Ozi? Then I found out that this 13 episodes of "Kasanova XXL" is directed by Suhaimi Baba, alah you know the famous director of "Pontianak" and the scriptwriter pulak the same duo who did "Pontianak" script. So kira this is their first attempt into romantic comedy genre. To which I think a good attempt!

Then I found out the actor behind Ozi is Shaheizy Sam. No wonderlah lately the entertainment industry is buzzing about him. He is a talented actor! Now that I know it's him, I might consider watching "Adnan Sempit"? Provided I can drag my hubby to watch this movie. I heard the movie meletup-letup dipanggung.

I am so looking forward to the next episodes. So peeps, if you need a feel good time out, "Kasanova XXL" is worth watching.

Good nite peeps, sweet dreams!xoxo

P/s: Ozi kinda reminded me of a close friend of mine, who is cheeky as well!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

To thine own self be true

photo credit by

"To thine own self be true" - Shakespeare

At the end of the day, the biggest reward you can get is by satisfying yourself first. Once you reach to this level, the rest is secondary.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The art of ass kissing

All these while I am a strong believer that to succeed in your career all you need to do is put your commitment to your work, perform every task and assignment given to you and most importantly, exceed your boss's expectation. That's it. It's very simple. Nothing personal nor office politics. Boy, I was damn wrong. It turns out to be that ideal scenario only exist in "Farrah's World" not in the real world.

The reality is, just by performing your assignments are not enough. You need to do ass kissing to get to the top of the ladder. Doesn't matter if you don't excel in performing your assignment. Doesn't matter if your work cincai or lack of flavour or not up to the expected standard. What actually matter is mastering "The art of ass kissing"; to which I am lacking at!!!

Perhaps I should change my ideals. Maybe from now on I should put ass kissing as my priority in work???Mungkin I kena pakai air-corn kali? Atau kipas kuat-kuat?Ehyer...

Yucks. I don't know how others do it. Hmm...I guess by the look of it, I'll be stuck in a rut for sometime. It's ok nalang, I have my principle and I am going to stick with it for now...who knows I might change my mind later. Will let you all know when that happens. Still, the mere thoughts of it, stinks!!!

Have a nice weekend, peeps!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Could this be it?

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that is characterized by extreme changes in mood, from mania to depression. It can lead to risky behavior, damaged relationships and careers, and even suicidal tendencies if it's not treated.
The primary symptoms of bipolar disorder are dramatic and unpredictable mood swings.
Could this be it? Hmm something to thing about.
P/s: On my previous post I mentioned that I trust my instincts are always right. Well peeps, it's confirmed. My instinct was right all along.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Don't be a stranger!

A friend in need, is a friend indeed.
As a friend, all you wanted to do is help your friend because you care for him/her. So, I find it weird when someone I regarded as my close friend can just "lied" right to my face when he/she should have just tell the plain truth. After all, I am his/her friend.
Perhaps he/she has his/her own reasons. Perhaps he/she didn't trust me enough to tell the truth. Perhaps he/she is scared that I will tell others. If trust is the issue, then that's very sad. After all we've been through?
Perhaps, he/she never even regarded me as his/her friends. Sigh.
Or maybe, I was wrong. Maybe he/she did the tell the truth. Oh! well, let's give it a benefit of a doubt. But, I still can't help it that, after all these years, he/she should have known me better. I don't judge. I just want to help. Simple fact.
I wish I was not a stranger to him/her. Sigh.
I might be a stranger to him/her but I still hope nothing but best wishes for him/her.
Or maybe, I am just being too emotional because it's the first day of the month. Still, I trust my instincts are always right.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome 2010

Year 2009 left us with a blink of an eye. Again, I feel that time passes so fast and yet there is so many things that I wish I have achieved in 2009. Then again, I believe I did achieved something worth remembering 2009; because I chose to see my glass is half full. Well we can't dwell about the past, because it's past tense and there's nothing we can do about it.

Now I can only put my hope in 2010...because it's the present and I know I can do something about it. You know what? I am thankful I have my family with me in good time or bad time. Alhamdullilah.

Well, peeps..Happy New Year!