Thanks Rina dear, for the award =)
So now, I have to complete the "tag"? Berfikir-fikir aq apa benda yang orang ngak tahu ya?
[1] Did you all know that I've always wanted to be a chef when I completed my SPM in 1995. I think many of you didn't know this part of me, in fact my BFF@ Rina pun x tau, kan? Actually, I approached my mum about it, I told her I wanted to become a chef but my mum advise me to take something more conventional, that was Accounting.
[2] I took piano lesson up to grade 4. Last time I can play the piano but today I'm not sure if I can still play the piano =). Maybe I should start taking piano lesson? Hehee...
[3] When I travel, I will make sure I buy at least one CD Album of any local artist of the country I visited. I think by listening to their music, I can somehow relate to their culture, funny huh? One of the places that I love was Manila because it offers so many Jazz - Bossa Nova CD Album.
[4] When I do go watch any movies, I will not check out critics' review before the movie but I will only read the reviews after watching the movies. Reason being, I don't want to be influenced by the review =p
[5] So far "My Best Friend's Wedding" by Julia Robert and Rupert Everett was the only movie that I watched three times in the cinema. I still remember back then first I watched it with Aini@BFF, then with Syiqin and Salha and the third one I think I watched myself. We were so obsessed with the movie that we even bought the soundtrack!imaginelah!
[6] Sometimes, when I'm having a rough day, during lunch hour I go to any salon to get my hair wash and blow. I always feel better after that. :D
[7] Not many know this, but I can be very witty you know? even though I may look serious hehehe...and my family and close friends testify to this :))
I want to tag who ya? Anyone readinglah...can try doing this...sila sila :))