Holaaaa...I hope this blog is not haunted yet? Lol. I hope everybody is well :D Last CNY break I tried this very easy recipe-Roti Arab with Kuah Minced Beef. Actually, yours truly was inspired when I see Rina's blog about her cooking and baking (www.cintarina.blogspot.com) She makes cooking and baking looks easy! So for a start, I tried one of her recipe...
Roti Arab
Here's the ingredients:-
For the bread (makes approx 7 pieces)
2 cups of flour
1/2 tsp of instant yeast
3 tbsp of coffee mate
2 tbsp of castor sugar
For the gravy
(method almost similar to making bolognese sauce)
Spring Onion
Minced Beef
Tomato Puree
Fresh Tomatoes
Basil leaves, Oregano Powder
Salt & Pepper
Olive Oil
The photo shown, was my first attempt. Later on, I realized it is better to divide the "uli" then leave it for a while for it to "kembang sikit" then roll it to make it look like "roti canai" then only you deep fry it. It's like roti naan but fried roti naan. Delicious! In fact you can eat it with kuah Sardin or Curry Chicken. Very filling, my family love it! Tau-taulah ada keturunan Arab :)
True to what she said, once you've started, it can be addictive! Who knows, I might be the next Nigella Lawson!!!Lol! Now, if only I have all the tools...maybe I should start making a list of things that I need to kick start this new found passion... Err, any sponsors? :D