You see, if I told my friends that my parents are very open and understanding, they wouldn't understand...some would just roll their eyes and you can see the shock written all over on their face! Haha...when I said they being open, I mean very open ok? Let's not go further, those friends who knows my parents...I can imagine them nodding their heads when they read this entry.Haha!
I can list 1001 reasons on why my dad is my hero. I look up on him. I seek advise from him. I listen to what he got to say and knowing my stubbornest...the moment my dad slow talk to me terus I follow everything that he said. Off course, he spent a lot on me...hehehe, you know raising a daughter like me can be very expensive investment! And, I have yet to show positive return invesment! Haha...
A friend once told me that, once you are married you no longer need to ask permission from you father instead it's your hubby that you need to get clearance. I beg to differ, even now that I am married, I still think my dad's words are important, I can't help it. He's my hero, nobody can't beat that. After all that he's done to me, he raised me up to become what I am today. Thankfully, I turn out to be fine (wink-wink) . I am so proud to be have a father like him. Up to today, he's always there for me. Looking back...I still remember...
When I had my first accident in Tawau back in 1995. I called him. He was the one who settled everything for me,
When I had a miserable time with my ex-boss in KL back in 2002. I turned to him. It was him who gave me a new perspective,
When I went for my interview for my current post, It was him who coached me,
When my car insurance expired, change my tyre botak, fixed my car, paid my car installments. He covered everything for me eventhough I was already earning my own income!
When I go for my mini get away or vacations, he sponsored my trip and off course bagi duit lagi! Itu sudah kerja tu! Betul-betul spoilt!
You will be suprised, I can be very sensitive and emotional when it comes to my dad. In fact bergenang sudah mataku thinking about my dad, I can feel my teardrops falling while I'm typing this entry. I can't imagine if he's not around anymore. I don't know what will I do without him. I just hope that, Allah s.w.t panjangkan umur my dad so that I will be able to give back what he has given to me all these years, well at least some part of it. I hope when have enough rezeki, then I can send him to perform his Haj. Amin. Insya'Allah.
Yes, I am now someone's wifey but I am always my dad's daughter. I love you dad, very very much!Muahhhhhhhhhhhhh!